Many initiatives are taken by the College to keep the campus green. Every year the number of saplings planted gets increased and the trees are taken care of with proper fencing and bio-fertilizers. NSS volunteers maintain the clean and green campus through cleaning process and planting saplings. The planting of Red coconut tree, Border plant, Royal palm, Cycas helps to maintain an eco-friendly atmosphere on the campus. The Eco Club and the Green Club volunteers water the plants regularly. Under the scheme “My College, My Garden” rare kind of saplings have been planted inside the campus. Students of the Department of Computer Science gifted their outgoing students with saplings that promoted the need for green environment.
Students, Staff Using
a. Bicycles
b. Public transport
c. Pedestrian friendly pathways inside campus
d. Plastic free campus on World Environment Day this year (2019), with a view to curb the effects of plastic on the environment, the Tamil Nadu government announced a ban of non-biodegradable and single-use plastic and had recommended the use of natural, environmental-friendly products. The college has adopted this in our green initiative.
e. Green landscaping with trees and plants.
Solid Waste Management
Solid waste disposal is managed in collaboration with the corporation of Avadi. The dry and wet waste is marked by different colour dustbins. Solid waste are also collected and sold to vendors as scrap. Use of plastic bags within the premises of the college is prohibited.
Liquid Waste Management
Wastage is checked by the student council members and the campus manager. Waste water is directed to water the plants placed near by Drainage system is in place for all the buildings of the campus.
E – Waste Management
The damaged computer parts are recycled. The low configured computers are donated to nearest schools. E waste materials are properly disposed. Awareness programs are initiated on E-waste management by the computer science department. The E-waste are also converted to wealth by the students of Eco Club.
Rain water harvesting structures and utilization in the campus: